Wood Treatment Company

control de plagas

We are your company specialized in prevention and sanitation of wood in Girona.

The durability of wood, even the most resistant, does not in itself prevent deterioration caused by atmospheric or biotic agents. These generate a lack of resistance in the wood and risks depending on its use.

Insect pests that infest wood develop quickly and are sometimes imperceptible. For this purpose, we use less aggressive but effective methods, in order not to have a negative impact on the environment.

Wood Treatment

Wood treatment against insects

To treat wood for insects, it is recommended to first clean the wood with soap and water to remove any traces of dirt or dust. A liquid or aerosol insecticide should then be applied to kill the insects and prevent their reappearance. If the insects are larvae, the wood should be treated with an insecticide powder or liquid solution to kill them. Finally, it is recommended to apply a wood preservative to prevent insect infestation and other damage.

To combat this situation, we prepared a preliminary study with a visual damage analysis. We then collect samples, inspect and locate elements that confirm the presence. Finally, we observe the environment and prepare a report with photographic documentation.


Termites are the most aggressive wood-eating insects and there are three types:

  • Subterranean termites: They attack destructively on wooden structures. They are not visible.
  • Drywood termites: Feed on dry wood, furniture, building structures, artwork, etc. They are visible.
  • Damp wood termites: Mainly feed on decaying wood.


Woodworm describes several species of beetles that attack and bore into wood to feed and reproduce. This is why woodworm infestations are so serious, especially affecting wooden building structures.

These circumstances can be avoided with the application of a certain product and system that we use at Lluita Integral.

An expert will answer your query as soon as possible.

    LLuita Integral

    En Lluita Integral velamos para ofrecer a nuestros clientes un excelente servicio de tratamiento y control de plagas utilizando los productos de la calidad más alta, poniendo especial énfasis en que resulten inofensivos para los seres vivos y para el medio ambiente.


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